Welcome to the CGCC
HANDSPINNING YARN Class taught by Countrywool

Materials Needed Page

Do you have sheep, alpacas, llamas, bunnies, sheep dogs, or mohair goats in your life?
Fashion yarn from their fur in a timeless fashion by hand on a drop spindle, or more quickly with a spinning wheel!
No experience is necessary to participate.

INSTRUCTOR: Claudia Krisniski

Materials needed for this class:

working spinning wheel or drop spindle  spinning wheels are available to rent...see below)

5 oz clean wool roving, sliver or top

Drop spindle: $35; and wool roving: $8 will be available for purchase
Need a wheel analysis? I will give your wheel a tuneup 2 weeks prior to class: $25 fee
1 spinning wheel is available to rent for $25 by calling   518      828       4554

You may visit COUNTRYWOOL in person to choose the materials you need.
Shop hours vary by season: check our current hours COUNTRYWOOL